The kids have been such great help this summer in giving me some down time so that I would'nt fall off the deep end. :) Anyway, I obviously don't control the universe so I can't make time go back.
The kids were super excited for school, I'm not sure what that means. Are they really excited or are they just tired of me giving them orders all day long. hmmmmm? I'll have to ponder that one.
I'm excited to announce that Jack and I survived our first day home together so I'm pretty sure everything will go smoothly from here on out.
Enjoy the pictures of the kids in their new attire for school.
Jr. High is 7th & 8th grade.
His shoe size this year is 11 1/2-12 depending on the shoe. BIG FOOT!
I can see into the future that he's going to break many hearts.
It's her last year at Stansbury Elementary.
She's really excited that her class gets lap top computers .
What a cutie.